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What's Burning You?

05/10/07                                                    Issue 15 Vol. 7

This Week In HealthBeat News:

  • What's Burning You? Yes, you've got heartburn - but maybe not for the reasons that you think! Big Pharma and the Medical Mafia have hoodwinked you again - find out what you can do about it. Read about the simple test you can do at home...
  • Washington Updates: What matters more to your senator - money or your health and freedom? You've been sold out - read more...
  • Counterfeit Drugs: The FDA is warning us about them, but who is responsible? Nurse Mark shares his opinions...
  • Obscene Profits are what it's all about - analysis and opinion by Nurse Mark...
  • Mother's Day is coming: And just where do you think you would be without your mother...
  • Laughter:  Growing older ain't for sissies - so you might as well laugh about it...

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